Best Decisions I Made in 2021
Jan 05, 2022How important is decision-making in your organization? How much emphasis is placed on the willingness and ability of your leaders to make timely and effective decisions? What do you do about people who just can’t decide and hold up the rest of the team while they equivocate or gather even more information?
What great decisions did the leaders in your organization make in 2021? What great decisions did you make?
Allow me to share my most significant decisions of 2021 – some professional, some personal, because, wouldn’t you agree that good decisions at work that lead to good results impact how you feel at home and vice versa?
- Joining a Virtual MasterMind with my long-term coach, trainer, and teacher. It was great to stay connected to a group of like-minded people passionate about making a difference in the world. We met two times a month, with breakouts to discuss progress and challenges and get support, feedback and suggestions - I do love a mastermind!
This inspired me to resurrect my own mastermind group, which I will be launching later this year. Let me know if you are interested in learning more – or starting a group within your own organization.
- Enrolling in the Growth Day App. This is a one stop shop for Personal Development, a topic I have been super passionate about for - well, all my life! If you want to know more, I invite you to sign up for a 14-day free trial here: https://www.growthday.com/?via=cheryl67 (Full disclosure: if you sign up, I will be compensated).
- Reading and listening to some great books, as always. Shortly I will publish my list of favorites from the year. I have always enjoyed reading and I learn a lot from books that helps me to help my clients and community. Continuous improvement, learning and growth continues to be a core value of mine.
- Weekly walks on the beach with a friend. Being out in nature always boosts my mood and I love the feel of sand between my toes, the smell of salt air, the ever-changing colors of the sky and the water, and the sounds of the large variety of sea birds and the waves hitting the shore. And, of course, a lively discussion about the state of the world…
- Buying a condo. When we moved to the Tampa Bay area nearly five years ago now, we rented a condo in a high-rise in downtown St Petersburg. I was happy to give up the responsibilities of home ownership after so many years. When that condo sold in less than 24 hours, we needed to decide - fast. We looked at exactly two places - one downtown that needed A LOT of work and the one we bought, halfway between downtown and the beach, which was move-in ready. After walking through the unit, knowing how crazy the real estate market had become, we made the decision to put in a full-price purchase offer immediately, which was accepted. The easiest real estate deal I've ever done! Subsequently we learned that pricing for rentals in the Tampa Bay area had increased 24% year over year, so the timing was right. And we love our quiet new place in a nature preserve, though I admit I missing the ability to walk everywhere. Now, I have to drive again. Sometimes, the best decisions come from listening to your gut!!
- Taking a road trip. With all the uncertainty about traveling, we did take advantage of a window during August when things seemed to calm down. We experienced the auto train for the first (and perhaps the last) time. After hearing so many horror stories about car rentals, it was great to have our own car. It was great to visit friends in the northeast that we have missed the past two years.
- Returning to Saratoga. As a longtime fan of horse-racing (I know, it's not for everyone), I had not missed at least one day at the track during the season for over 40 years when Covid closed everything down. It was great to be back within the unparalleled energy of the racing community of owners, trainers, and jockeys and among those amazing thoroughbreds. There is no place on earth quite like it.
- Prioritizing Self-care: Daily Meditation. Tracking my Sleep Metrics. Bi-weekly Yoga Practice and Restorative Yoga when needed. Bi-weekly workout with a personal trainer. Monthly Massage. Regular pedicures. Meals out with friends. Quiet time with my main man. All these practices keep me grounded and balanced.
- Finally watching Ted Lasso, after hearing so much about it and all the awards it received. What a great show, with fun, interesting characters, and an engaging story line. All the ups and downs of life, with an optimistic attitude and positive outlook. Don't we all need a dose of that right now? So many great life lessons in this series about leadership, teams, and inter-personal dynamics – Wow.
- Leveling up my support of clients and my community. I always do some pro bono work each year and I believe in serving at the same high level regardless of whether I'm paid for my work. My intention is always to deliver great value and set a high standard of performance for myself. This year, more than ever, I have found that people need leadership, and they need optimism and hope for the future. We have all had lots of challenges over the past few years and some of us have really struggled. I intend to be there with a voice of support and encouragement. If I can make a difference in the life of just one person, that matters to me.
If you’re still with me, thank you for indulging me. And now it’s your turn. I’d love to hear about your significant decisions in 2021, whether they worked out for you – or not.
And, if you are interested in learning more about how your organization can make better decisions faster, that is something we should talk about.
Wishing you all good things in the new year.
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