Looking Back...Looking Ahead
Dec 26, 2022It’s important to take time during the year to reflect on your accomplishments and highlights, as well as people and things you want to celebrate.
Before you get into planning mode or setting intentions for your path forward, be sure to think through all the lessons from your recent past. It really helps to start a new season with good intentions and deliberate purpose.
Typically, I use the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day to reflect, write in my journal, and finalize what I want to accomplish in the new year. Many of us don’t spend enough time pausing to reflect and create our intentions for moving forward.
If you would like some help doing that, click here to get some questions to ask yourself as you look back and as you look ahead. By the way, this process can be used any time, not just at year end.
And, if you have some questions that you typically use, I’d love to hear them.
Wishing you all the best.
Schedule a Discovery Session with Cheryl