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Why Join a Mastermind? 5 Reasons to Consider

#highperformance #leadership #personal development Sep 30, 2024

Today’s environment is a tough one. No matter where you turn, there are challenges to face.  Life is unpredictable. We live in a volatile, uncertain world, filled with complexity and uncertainty. Every day, we can wake up to bad news or our own life catastrophe.

All that to say that going it alone can be really scary. The reason I joined my first mastermind was not for these reasons; life seemed simpler back then.  At the time, I wanted to continue the good feelings of talking with others who had shared a profound learning experience, on a regular basis.  That first mastermind lasted ten years and it made a huge impact on me, as well as creating some lifelong friendships. 

Since then, I have been part of multiple masterminds.  Some are small, just a few of us; others are large, with hundreds of members.  Each provides a level of personal and professional support that doesn’t come from anywhere else.

In fact, when I look back on my life as a business owner, now approaching twenty years, the two things that have made the biggest difference to my success are having my own business coach and being part of one or more mastermind groups.

I recently attended a combination mastermind event and coaching summit, and one of my favorite quotes from that event was “Coaching saves years of struggle.” I think the same can be said for masterminds. We learn so much from shared experiences, especially when we have time to reflect on them, and discuss them with others who were there. Because everyone gets something different from the experience and hearing someone else’s insights can often turn on a light bulb over our own head.

Here are some of the benefits of Masterminds:

  1. An effective mastermind can help you keep a positive optimistic attitude about life (and don’t underestimate the value of that!).
  2. Mastermind sessions can be a unique opportunity to try out some new thinking, new services, new programs – and get some realistic, yet supportive feedback.
  3. The right group offers lots of learning opportunities, as each member is on a different growth journey, having different experiences that you can benefit from.
  4. Mastermind members can become lifelong friends. They often know you in a way others don’t and can provide support, encouragement and fun in your life.
  5. Those who lead mastermind groups often have a level of expertise and/or resources that can be very valuable to members.

What about you? Have you been part of a Mastermind? What was your experience like? I’d love to hear from you on this.

And, if you are interested in hearing more about my recent experience at a mastermind event, join me on Monday, October 7th at 1PM eastern when I share my top 10 key takeaways in What Separates High Performers from Others?


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